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The next season of Crafting Lines opportunities for creative writers of all kinds and at all stages is coming together.

Online Workshops – booking now

There’ll be one each month, giving time, space and creative prompts to boost your writing; as well as a bit of structured support to help you plan your writing life so that it works for you.

Each workshop lasts 7-8.30 and you can book one for £10 or a bundle of 3 for £24.

Photo by Leonardo Yip on UnsplashPhoto
by Leonardo
Yip on Unsplash

Photo by Gavin Allanwood on Unsplash

9 October: Writing Sounds. We’ll explore the impact and potential of sound in our writing.

Photo by Leonardo Yip on Unsplash

6 November: Playing With the Dark. As we enter the time when many northern cultures have a tradition of storytelling round the fireside, we’ll play with darkness.

4 December: Gifts. Escape from the increasingly hectic Christmas preparations into you happy writing place, where we will definitely not be making a wish-list for Santa, but thinking much more creatively about gifts!

Face to Face dates coming soon. In the meantime, to book onto online content, send me an email hilaryelder@talktalk.net

Previous Project

Paper Lanterns and the Teen reading and writing space