Was National Poetry Day really a whole month ago? I remember my day at Beckermet C of E Primary School like it was yesterday! I went into all four classes and worked hard and had fun with them all thinking about the NPD theme of Refuge and the school value of Respect.

We got our creative muscles going trying to solve these riddles. All of them are things you can find in the classroom. Can you work them out?

We spent time noticing the classrooms, sometimes doing scavenger hunts, sometimes with our eyes closed!

We made word hoards to help us use all our senses and collect lots of words we could share to make our class poems.

The children in Reception chose and decorated their favourite words and made a new kind of poem – an Umbrella Poem – so that they could feel safe sitting under their poem.

Y1 and 2 heard this poem about a classroom and thought about how it was the same as or different from theirs.

They made a poem to perform with everyone choosing one word each.

Y 3 and 4 thought about the kinds of rules they wanted to have in their classroom to make it a place that was safe for everyone and where everyone was respected. They worked in groups for each verse. Here is their poem.

Y5 and 6 thought about how everyone in the class is different, and how sometimes everyone needs to join in and sometimes people need to step out for a bit to feel safe. I’ll add their poem to this post when I get it…
All the classes showed each other their poems at the next day’s assembly.

What a brilliant day! Thank you to the children and staff of Beckermet Cof E Primary School!