Last week I had a fantastic time with some children, grownups and craftswoman Wendy Reed making books as part Bedlington Community Centre’s summer workshops series. Our theme, The Book of Me, was all about what makes each of us unique, and how much fun that makes things when we are together.
With Wendy, everyone made a book to take home full of all kinds of handprints, no two the same. With me, we each wrote a poem about ourselves – thank you Simon Mole,, for the template! Here are our poems.

Then we made a word hoard of words that conjure up what it’s like to be together with each other, and everyone chose five words to put into their books in any way they liked – scattering them through the book, twisting them into their hands, counting them on their fingers, there were loads of ways to do this.
What a great way to spend a holiday afternoon!