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My Work With Schools: The Basics

If you’re a school that wants creative and/or spiritual input I can help. I have experience teaching English and RE in primary and secondary schools, and I write stories and poems for all ages (though usually not at once!)

Creative Writing. Having an author visit can inspire young people and give them confidence; a writer in school can help students politely set aside the worry of having to get it right and give them a safe space to explore creativity and have fun with words. It’s amazing what this can unlock. I can do a ‘standard’ visit where I talk and listen to students, and I can offer the more interactive experience of a workshop, which can be off-the-peg or bespoke, depending on themes or areas you want to explore. For an example of a creative writing visit, look here.

Spirituality and RE. My own spiritual tradition is Christian and I am an Anglican lay minister. I can visit school for Christian input, either in an open-ended q and a or providing a more structured workshop experience. I am accredited for this work with the RE Hubs Kitemark; for more info, look here. My workshops always include both learning about religion and learning through religion, with an emphasis on experience and reflection. I have off-the-shelf offers like my Pilgrimage themed workshop, for more click here, and I can tailor a visit to your needs. In my RE/spiritual work there is always creative content – that’s how I work. For a better understanding of how the two blend, look here.

I can also  work with you to develop more extensive projects with multiple visits over time., either creative writing or religious/spiritual, or a blend.

Fees. My rates are £200 for a half day or £325 for a full day, plus travel. However in particular circumstances these may be negotiable, and for larger projects there is a sliding scale. For more info or to book, use the booking form here, or email hilaryelder@talktalk.net

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The Joy of Crafting Lines

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A Poetry Epic