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Pilgrimage Workshop

A workshop for year 3, 4 or 5

What is it?

This interactive workshop takes your class on a pilgrimage where we discover together things about special places, journeys, our travelling companions and holiness.

The content includes guided writing, drama games and structured reflection – and, of course, a walk – how far we go is up to you. You can choose a half-day or a full-day event. For a full-day pilgrimage we would go on a journey out of school, which you will organise, to a special place. For the half-day experience we explore your own school grounds.

Children encounter key concepts about pilgrimage in ways that link to their own daily lives. They get to think spiritually about themselves, each other, journeys and the places that are meaningful to them, and they have fun.

The workshop provides curriculum material for RE, English and SMSC.

While the workshop draws on Christian pilgrimage traditions, especially those surrounding the Northern Saints of Northumbria, it also introduces other religious traditions of pilgrimage and explores the theological concepts in a broadly spiritual way that is fully inclusive.

It is delivered by writer, facilitator and educator Hilary Elder, who is also a lay minister in the Church of England and an RE teacher, and has experience of a range of ways of working with children and young people.

Included in the workshop:

  • A reflection sheet for children to complete later
  • A resource sheet of follow-up activities to maximise the impact of the workshop

Cost: full day: £325 plus travel expenses; half day £200 plus travel expenses

Interested in this workshop? Use the booking form here.

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